Friday, January 21, 2011

First Week of School

Ciao Ragazzi!

So I just got done with my first week of school which went really well. I just had my intensive Italian course this week so there wasn't much homework or anything which was nice. The class moves pretty fast but I'm finally picking up the language! My other classes start next week but I'm hoping that I don't get too much work to do cause there is still a ton of stuff to do in my free time. I did some exploring during the week and posted some more photos on facebook for anyone who is interested. The photos take awhile to upload so I'm just getting them uploaded to a single site so it takes less time. I have taken a few videos which have unfortunately proven to be pointless to try and upload on the blog, since the time it takes to upload stuff isn't so great here. But I'll try to get the videos posted on facebook for everyone to see. I'll be spending this next weekend in Torino again, with some more sites to be seen throughout the city and some "disco's" (aka clubs) that I plan on checking out. More updates/photos to come from this weekend!


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