Thursday, January 13, 2011

I Have Arrived!

So after nearly 14 hours of total traveling time I can finally say that I have arrived in Torino! We flew from SFO to Frankfurt, Germany which took about 11 hours, had a 2 and a half hour layover in Frankfurt, and then flew about an hour to Torino. On the flight from Frankfurt to Torino I saw one of the most amazing sights I've ever seen. As I looked out of the airplane window, down below me were dozens of snow-capped alps. I had never seen anything quite like this and it is truly amazing how massive these mountains are! We arrived yesterday and once we got to the airport we were taken to the Hotel Roma in the city center to stay the night. The bus ride from the airport to the city was about half an hour and thats when it really started to hit me that we were actually in Italy! We arrived at the hotel, dropped off our luggage at the room and quickly headed back out into the city. Me and my roommate for the night, Brandon, decided to take a walk around the nearby sites and we were right near the central train station of Torino, Porta Nuova. We also came across a pretty incredible church after a bit of exploring and I was able to grab a photo of that as well. After the walk we met up as a group and went to a pizzeria where I had some authentic Italian pizza and it was delicious! We then settled for some gelatto afterwards which was also quite delicious. From there, we took a quick tour of the city center which I will be revisiting shortly to take more pictures. I must say that by the end of this day I had been more tired than I ever have in quite awhile, and unfortunately, the 9 hour time difference didn't allow me to get much sleep afterwards. Today we will be moving into the apartments and spending more time in the city so another post will come soon...Below you will find some of the first pictures I took in the city.

A Presto!


1 comment:

  1. I love it bro... You better shred at least one of those alps!!
